Thursday, April 30, 2009


so, I had a moment of calm come over me yesterday, and it told me I don't need to worry anymore about work. this does not mean that I had some sort of esp where I foresaw my future and in the future I had a job, it just made me feel comfortable with not having a job, just for a moment. of course there are economic reasons to have a job, but more important sometimes are the psychological reasons, self-worth, identity, etc. I did not feel worthless in that moment and I did not feel without purpose for a change. hmmmm. cookies.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

only in new york

one of my favorite phrases. as if there aren't fun and unique and wacky and famous things everywhere. yes, there are crazy people in every city. but such a parade passed by last sunday. can you find all 5 dogs in this photo? no, because there are four in the stroller but it's hard to see that fourth one. 

Friday, April 10, 2009

sausage picture

this is a picture/painting/thing of art by Dieter Roth that I saw at MoMA. It is made with sausage. it has a companion piece made with cheese. they are both pretty gross, but there they are in a fancy museum. looking at other art, I overheard a grandmother say to her maybe 7-year-old grandson, "see that looks like something you could have done!" people really say that stuff and really believe it. but the piece she was saying that about there is no way that kid could have done. because it never would have occurred to him to do it. that's the point!