Trying to add structure to a day when you are used to having the constraints of a job do it for you is difficult. Oh sure, a weekend is nice with nothing to do but run a few errands, or maybe the weekend sucks because you have no time to yourself. Well, too much time to oneself is not always the best thing, especially when it is accompanied by the nagging feeling that you Should Be Doing Something, Should Be Earning Money. After you get the oil changed and paint the baseboards and finally get the knives sharpened and do the laundry and come up with all sort of creative menu concepts, it's time to confront the list of people you ought to call to Find Work.
Of course, I am speaking from the luxury of the position of not having to get more work Just Yet. But it's right there in front of me, and even if I had all the money in the world instead of just a teeny tiny percentage of it, I would still need to Do Something.
But all the money in the world would be helpful. The fantasy is having all that money and spending a lot of time figuring out who to give it to. That would be satisfying, take a lot of time, and get me involved in all sorts of things I'm not now. I could get involved with those things anyway, but oops I don't have all the money.
I should just go work for
Obama for a month and then get a real job.